I wrote this post when I was dealing with an emotional pain. Sounds exaggerate, eh? Sad, but true. I wondered what I can do, how the sh*t happened, and whose fault it is. Then bad thoughts ran in my head, it seems like I was haunted by regret and anger. At the end, they're all summed up in one bad conclusion: there is nothing I can do. So I got more stress: worse thoughts ran in my head, I was haunted by more anger, there is nothing I can do, and so the cycle continues... That was far beyond sucks.
But I feel much much much better now, after I did some self-healing actions. So I'd like to share with you guys, in case you'll get such an anger/sadness/bad situation like mine (doesn't mean I hope those will happen to you :P)
First thing first: give time to yourself. It's normal to be depressed and overwhelmed, but set your time. Cry as much as you want, be angry as hard as possible, or (in my case) stop eating for as long as your body can bear (yea I know, stupid reaction). Don't ignore your feeling and pretend there was nothing happened. I need about a week to for this phase.
First thing first: give time to yourself. It's normal to be depressed and overwhelmed, but set your time. Cry as much as you want, be angry as hard as possible, or (in my case) stop eating for as long as your body can bear (yea I know, stupid reaction). Don't ignore your feeling and pretend there was nothing happened. I need about a week to for this phase.
Go to your friends, or someone you trust. Tell them what happened and hear their objective opinion. Then, go out with them, have fun to fill your space of emptiness. But don't annoy them by telling your story all times, they're not 24/7 helping channel. I'm so blessed that I have many friends who I could share with.
Do repetitive activities, so you'll be able to ignore any negative thoughts remains. Some people may suggest physical activities, like jogging, swimming, or other sports. Exercise can release hormones useful to boost happy mood, right? But honestly, I'm not really into practice person, so I just did everything that needs me to concentrate like reading a new book or (cough) working on my final project.
Try to remember your good memories and list every single thing in life that make you happy. And be grateful. I keep said to myself that I have everything in my life: home, family, friends, and I won't let any sh*t ruin it.
Pray. Praying is the best medicine, especially when you don't know what you can do about your problem, or when you don't even know what your problem is. Praying give you a so-called moment of serenity. What to pray? Try to ask for sincerity, because you may hate a thing which is actually good for you.
Well that's all I have... Hope this post useful for you, peeps. Overcoming anger, sadness, or pain is sure a heavy task, but give it a you must try. Don't ever let them overcome you. Be strong, and cheer up :)
PS: is my post grammatically correct? does it use wrong word? or does it simply suck to read? let me know, since this is my first long post in english :) and btw, credit for pic goes here
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